You’d love to go about your daily life with your usual gusto, but joint pain has you down. If this sounds familiar, you may want to consider a treatment involving hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid is sort of like a potent lotion within your body. Your eyes, joints, and skin contain this natural substance, which helps keep areas of your body moist and lubricated. Hyaluronic acid created in a lab can benefit your body too.
The expert team at Johnson Medical Center in Venice, Florida, provides hyaluronic acid as part of regenerative medicine treatments for good candidates. Read on to learn more about this substance, including ways it might benefit you.
How hyaluronic acid promotes healing
Hyaluronic acid promotes healing within your body tissues by regulating inflammation levels and prompting your body to create new blood vessels in damaged areas. As a result, it may bring a range of benefits, such as:
- Enhanced surgery recovery
- Healthier, more supple skin
- Improved wound and sports injury healing
- Reduced acid reflux damage
- Reduced bladder pain
- Reduced eye dryness
- Reduced joint pain and inflammation
- Strengthened bones
Regenerative medicine for joint issues
At Johnson Medical Center, we provide hyaluronic acid in our human cellular tissue products (HCT/Ps) treatment to help your body better heal itself. In addition to hyaluronic acid, these HCT/Ps contain exosomes and cytokines, growth factors, and mesenchymal stem cells, which help regenerate tissues in your body.
Once you’ve received HCT/P injections in a treatment area, cells divide and grow over the following several weeks and develop new, healthier tissue. This can bring healing to damaged and injured joints.
These injections may enhance healing and reduce pain in your:
- Ankles
- Elbows
- Feet
- Hips
- Knees
- Shoulders
- Wrists
Benefits that pay it forward
When it comes to bone and joint problems, we find that hyaluronic acid improves mobility and decreases your pain level for months at a time. And by lowering inflammation, pain, and stiffness, you may be better able to participate in therapeutic exercises and stretching, which promote healthy blood flow and bring even more healing benefits. All of these perks can help lower your risk for additional injuries too, by making issues such as falls less likely.
One study showed that steady hyaluronic acid treatments for two months significantly reduced knee pain in people with osteoarthritis. Another study showed that hyaluronic acid moderately reduced knee pain.
To learn more about hyaluronic acid or get the care you need, call our office or request an appointment online today.