You might not think about your hips very often, until you develop ongoing hip pain. Once you do, the symptoms can make it difficult to go about your life as usual, as well as make way for potential complications such as a heightened risk of falling and related injuries. And while many factors beyond your control can contribute to hip pain — such as genetics and heredity — some common causes have everything to do with your lifestyle habits. 

The medical team at Johnson Medical Center in Venice, Florida, provides diagnostics and treatment for a range of hip-related issues, from sports injuries affecting your hip to rehabilitation needs after hip replacement surgery. Read on to learn about lifestyle causes of hip pain and what to do about them.

A sedentary lifestyle

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, your lack of activity can lead to stiffness and a heightened risk of inflammation in your hips. Sitting for long periods also causes your hip flexors, the muscles in front of your hips, to shorten and tighten. Over time, this can lead to imbalance and weakness in your hips, resulting in chronic pain. 

Routine exercise is important, as is sticking to activities that support your health and wellness needs. If you have a chronic pain condition or disability that makes exercise difficult, our medical team can help by providing physical therapy for your needs.

An inflammatory diet

Eating large amounts of refined grains, added sugars, and unhealthy fats can fuel inflammation in the body, which can raise your risk for or worsen hip pain. Such a diet can also lead to undesirable weight gain, which can put undue stress on your hips and other joints. 

On the flip side, a diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and omega-3 fats can help lower inflammation and derivative pain in the body while promoting healthy weight control. 

Not managing stress

Emotional stress and anxiety might not seem related to physical pain, but the two can be linked. When you’re under ongoing, intense stress, your body releases molecules that stimulate inflammation. This can lead to swelling around your joints, including your hips, and result in stiffness and pain. Managing stress, on the other hand, can help turn these effects around or guard against them happening in the first place. If you struggle to manage stress on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional support. Just as your body requires physical care from professionals, your mental health can benefit too.

Depending on the specifics of your condition, our medical team can provide laser therapy, rehabilitation, physical therapy, lifestyle recommendations, and more to help you get back on your feet with greater ease.

If you’re experiencing hip pain or wish to prevent chronic pain issues in the future, call Johnson Medical Center or request an appointment through our website.

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