Sedative Stretching can be a valuable procedure for people with chronic neck, back, and joint conditions caused by scar tissues, long-term disabilities, accidents, injuries, and post surgery pain syndromes that have not been responsive to conventional treatment. Patients who have reached a plateau using traditional therapy may also significantly improve their quality of life using Sedative Stretching.
Common, general indications that Sedative Stretching could be effective include:
- Fibromyalgia
- Herniated disc
- Back and Neck Pain
- Failed back surgery
- Disc Degeneration
- Shoulder Pain
- Sciatica / Neuralgia
- Migraines
- Scar tissue buildup
- Headache
- Chronic myofascitis
- Knee Pain
- Pain down arms and legs
- Rotator Cuff Syndrome
- Intractable pain from neuromusculoskeletal conditions
To find out if you may be a good candidate for this procedure, feel free to call our office for a phone or in-office consultation. We look forward to helping you!